During my internship I had the privilege of being a part of a team teaching classroom with 56 students. This experience involved working collaboratively with both mentors to develop and implement various lessons across all subject areas. Through this, I recognised the importance of team work in relation to the teaching and learning environment and was easily able to further establish professional relationships with other year level teachers.
I believe I gained excellent team work skills that have prepared me for my future experiences when interacting with other staff members, teachers and the wider community. The comments I have received reflecting on my team work skills include the following;
‘Jennah has worked well within a co-operative teaching team and her contributions are valued’ (Lamb, Personal Communications, 2011).
‘It has been a happy and constructive internship where Jennah has always been receptive to new ideas and ways to achieve tasks’ (Lamb, Personal Communications, 2011).
‘Jennah has participated very effectively in our classroom team and has developed a professional and co-operative attitude with not only her mentor teachers but other that she has come in contact with, such as teacher aides, specialist teachers, administration members and team members’ (Roberts, Personal Communications, 2011).
‘It has been a pleasure working with a student who displays enthusiasm for teaching and learning and takes our discussions and advice on board’ (Roberts, Personal Communications, 2011).
As for university, I have contributed to group work where I have utilised my team skills. According to McMillian & Weyers (2006, p. 121-123) the essential team work skills are communication, time management, compromise and focus and commitment. I am confident that I have successfully obtained these skills as I am an effective communicator, have great time management skills, am able to compromise to best suit the needs of a group/other opinions and am focused and committed to completing tasks to a high standard.
Overtime the feedback I have been given about team work are;
‘It is apparent that all group members have worked hard to create a presentation that is engaging and informative for your intended audience’ (Allen, Personal Communications, 2009).
‘Girls, you have worked really well as a team and it is clear that you have taken the time to rehearse your performance, Great Work! (Busch, Personal communications, 2011).
‘This is an outstanding PowerPoint presentation, demonstrating that you have all contributed to the final task and incorporated an extensive range of resources… Your efforts as a team are at a very high standard, Fantastic Work’ (Cupo, Personal communications, 2010).